Latest News 2010 March U.S. Charging for Permission to Visit

U.S. Charging for Permission to Visit

The U.S. is passing a new law that will charge foreign tourists $10 to visit. Reportedly, the law was passed in order to boost the dwindling number of foreign tourists. Visiting tourists will now be charged $10 for permission to enter the U.S., which this money will be used to pay for the "multi-channel marketing campaign" that will promote the U.S. for holidays abroad.

Different immigration and tourist issues, such as visitor visas, can be difficult because of all the laws that are involved. It's important that you understand all the difficulties involved in dealing with immigration issues. You do have rights that need to be protected and options in resolving your matter. It's in your best interest to make sure that your case is handled correctly and efficiently. With the help of an immigration attorney, you will be able to move forward with your case, ensuring that it is resolved in the most beneficial way possible. A lawyer will always have your best interest in mind while fighting to protect your rights. By working with an attorney, you will be able to focus on regaining your life. Please take some time to contact an immigration lawyer today and begin discussing the details of your case.

Categories: Immigration, Visa Basics