Latest News 2010 March State Bill Requiring Citizenship Checks

State Bill Requiring Citizenship Checks

In Oklahoma, a bill is making its way through the state legislature that would require Oklahoma schools to check the citizenship of all incoming students. House Bill 3381 was passed by the house and is now going to the Senate. The Hispanic community is coming out and saying that the bill is just the beginning of what could become a punishment for children.

Immigration issues are never easy to resolve, but you need to know how to approach these matters so that your can be settled correctly. When dealing with an issue such as citizenship, you need to know that you have rights and options in moving forward with your case. You should not have to continue to suffer because of immigration. Please know that this is not a dead end for you, but a chance to move forward.

It's in your best interest to work with an immigration attorney who understands these difficult matters and will know what to expect with your case. A lawyer will fight to protect your rights while always having your best interest in mind. With the help of an attorney, you will be able to deal with all the matters including any court proceedings. Please take some time today to contact an immigration lawyer and begin discussing your case.