Latest News 2010 March Minor Offenses Get Illegal Immigrants Deported

Minor Offenses Get Illegal Immigrants Deported

A new study is showing that in North Carolina, most illegal immigrants who are arrested are being deported for minor offenses. Those being charged with serious or violent crimes are not being deported as much. The law that deports those who are arrested was intended to prioritize policing serious and violent crimes, but that does not seem to be what is happening.

There are many details about immigration law that you may not be aware of that may pertain to your matter. When you are facing an immigration matter such as deportation, you will want to know how to handle this issue so that you do not continue to suffer. It is difficult to deal with deportation, but you do have rights that should be protected in these matters. You can resolve this matter in a beneficial way and can move forward with your life when you handle your case properly. With the help of an immigration attorney, you will be able to understand your case better and know what options you may have. A lawyer will always have your best interest in mind while protecting your rights. You can count on an attorney to know how to handle your case and guide you through this difficult process. Please take some time today to contact an immigration lawyer and begin discussing the details of your case.  

Categories: Deportation, Immigration