Latest News 2010 January Temporary Protective Status Offered to Haitian Immigrants in U.S.

Temporary Protective Status Offered to Haitian Immigrants in U.S.

On Wednesday, an announcement was delivered by U.S. Immigration services in Orlando.  According to the announcement, temporary protection status (TPS) will be extended to Haitians that are currently in the United States.

Kathy Redman, a worker with Florida U.S. Immigration, said that it is time for Haitians who are living in the U.S. illegally to stop living in a state of fear.  Redman said, "Temporary protective status is available. We want people who are here to apply for temporary protective status so that they're allowed to stay here lawfully."

Due to the announcement, any Haitians that were in the U.S. prior to January 12th (the date of the earthquake) may remain in the country.  It does not matter if they are in the U.S. legally or illegally.

"With the earthquake there, we can't send people back there (Haiti). There's nothing to send people back to," stated Redman.
The temporary protective status is expected to last for a period of 18 months.  During that time, people can work or attend school, like U.S. residents.  After the 18 months has expired, people may apply for additional 18 month temporary status protection.  It is expected that 200,000 Haitians will apply for TPS.
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Categories: Immigration